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Social Progress Award for SanLucar in Tunisia

Social Progress Award for SanLucar in Tunisia

  • Granted by the president of the Republic, the national prize acknowledges SanLucar’s commitment to improve the working and living conditions of its employees

(Gabès, Tunisia – 8th of May 2018).- Tunisia’s President Béji Caïd Essebsi has awarded SanLucar the prize for social progress. It commends the continued efforts of the premium fruit and vegetable brand to improve the working and living conditions of its employees on its farm La Cinquième Saison in Tunisia. The ceremony in Tunis, held on the 1st of May, was also attended also by the prime minister, the president of the parliament and all ministers. In addition to SanLucar, other companies were honored in four different categories.

3500 private and public companies from various industries were nominated for the awards. In addition to improvements in working conditions, the social progress award honors the promotion of communication between the various actors in production.  Yves Graf, Country Manager SanLucar Tunisia, accepted the prize and gave thanks to all attendants for the award.

SanLucar employs around 1,500 people in the north and south of the country, mainly in the cultivation of tomatoes and berries.

The canteen, one of the modernized installations of the SanLucar employees

SanLucar was the first company in Tunisia to receive the GRASP evaluation certificate, which confirms good social management. With the d.r.e.a.m.s. program for corporate responsibility, SanLucar has created numerous projects for sustainable and responsible action.

About SanLucar

SanLucar, the premium brand for fruit and vegetables, is a globally positioned enterprise with subsidiaries in Germany, Austria, Spain, Tunisia, South Africa, Ecuador and Benelux. In 1993, the company was founded by Stephan Rötzer in Munich and employs more than 3,200 people today, the majority of them on the company’s own farms on three continents. With a range of about 90 fruit and vegetable products from more than 35 countries, SanLucar is the brand with the broadest assortment in the retail trade. In line with the philosophy “Taste in harmony with man and nature”, SanLucar is a responsible player on the global fruit and vegetable market and is currently expanding into the Arab Gulf States, Russia, China and Canada.

More information about the d.r.e.a.m.s. program at

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