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Sweet messengers of spring from the south

Sweet messengers of spring from the south

When we roam across our raspberry and blueberry plantations in the spring, our hearts always open wide.

The shrubs are full of intense red and silver-blue fruits then and we look forward to a lush harvest.
“You have to treat berries with a lot of feeling. Only then will they be delicious and arrive that way at the customers’ homes”, says picker Alfonso Garcia, who pulls a dark red raspberry from the bush with great sensitivity and puts it into his mouth with relish. Our berries are grown in harmony with people and nature. We help to save water with precise drip irrigation.

And in case of pest infestation, we always use natural predators such as ichneumon wasps or predatory mites first. In addition, we do everything we can to make bees feel comfortable in our fields. Because: without bees there is no fruit. So, we do not only put up beehives, but also use only biological means at the blossom time in the case of possible illnesses and these also only at night, so that we do not disturb the bees when they’re pollinating our blossoms. After all, we want to snack on tasty raspberries and blueberries all spring long.

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