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The sweetness of summer

The sweetness of summer

Early in the morning, when the sun still hasn’t risen, Master Grower Vito Giuliano goes to his vineyards near Bari. He carefully picks a grape and tastes all the sweetness of summer. Now he knows: it’s time to reap the fruits of his labour.

For months now, he’s lovingly nurtured and cared for his vines, pruning shoots so that enough light could reach the grapes. He has irrigated them sufficiently with very low-salt water so that the fruits not only become sweet, but also wonderfully juicy and aromatic. He brought beneficial insects to the field to kill pests. And the sweetness? “It comes from the southern Italian sun,” laughs Vito Giuliani. So that the grapes arrive at your home as fresh as they have just been picked, they are carefully placed in environmentally friendly natural bags immediately after harvesting. The grapes are well ventilated and well protected – so you can taste the sweetness of summer.

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