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SanLucar family

At home with us: The best growing partners

Giuliano Puglia Fruit

Over 60 years ago, “grandpa“ Antonio Giuliano started growing grapes in the Southern Italian region of Bari. The family enterprise is in its third generation today, safely led through the highs and lows of grape production by the brothers Vito, Gianni and Nicola, and it has long been famous for its grape specialities. We have been partners for over 20 years. Especially Vito has devoted himself to creating exclusive varieties, including rediscovered old varieties. Their incomparable know-how also enriches us in our grape production in South Africa, Tunisia and Ecuador. And that´s not all: he takes care of the reforestation of a huge nature reserve by planting trees and plants that are typical for the region, so that the original landscape and diverse fauna don´t get lost. To find out more about their specialities, as well as their environmental and social commitment:


Antonio Llusar and CIA

A partner right from the start: The Llusar brothers with their exceptionally tasty oranges and clementines. Their trademarke is their careful treatment of the fruit, whether during the cultivation, the harvest or afterwards. The fruits are selected up to four times before they end up in the box, to ensure they have no skin blemishes or bruises, which would affect the taste. Over the long years of our collaboration we haven’t only grown successfully together but have also perfected our taste requirements in harmony with people and nature. In South Africa we manage the farms Rooihoogte and Middlerivier as partners. More about the Llusar family:


Frutas Poveda

Why has the Poveda family been our partner for so many years? Because for them three things count: taste, taste and more taste. The Spaniards have been growing stone fruit and lemons in sunny Murcia for generations. They make use of their ancient knowledge about the best varieties (which sometimes ripen in paper bags on the tree) as well as of modern achievements such as sustainable drip irrigation. Their experienced cultivation in harmony with people and nature not only gives the stone fruit an excellent taste, but also provides the lemons with an edible skin. Find out more about the Poveda company at:



SanLucar wouldn’t be SanLucar without Fresaflor. From the very beginning, Sebastian Morcelo and the Fresaflor cooperative have been growing partners for strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, which are world-famous. In Huelva in Andalusia, the fruit grows on raised bed tables, so that the consumption of minerals and water can be precisely controlled. The high tunnels protect the plants against rain and wind. There is also a programme for the protection of bees and test fields where we research new berry varieties. To find out more about Sebastian and Fresaflor, go to:



The Hensen family

When Ralf Hensen’s parents founded the farm in Swissttal in 1966 as a pure pome and stone fruit operation, hardly anyone would have thought that they would eventually grow only strawberries. Today, their sweet red fruits are famous beyond the country’s borders for their delicious taste. No two varieties taste the same all year round. That’s why the Hensens always choose only the varieties that have the best taste in the current season. And to ensure that the fruit can ripen optimally in every season, they not only grow the strawberries outdoors, but also in tunnels where they are protected from the cold and rain. They have been an important part of SanLucar Germany since 1999.

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Danny Lohse

What makes his blueberries so sweet and delicious? Passion and a whole lot of experience. For 42 years, the Lohses have been cultivating the round berries with the wonderfully fresh-sweet flavor in the second generation. Their 55-hectare plantation is located in the middle of the picturesque Südheide in Lower Saxony. The loose soil is perfect for blueberries there. Everyone loves the small blue fruit. For the bees and other insects, the Lohses have created extra flowering strips on their plantations. That’s why we have been looking forward to a rich, delicious blueberry harvest from Lower Saxony every year since 2012.

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Jochen Münkel

Jochen Münkel’s green thumb was something he inherited. Since 2005, he has been successfully growing juicy, firm and extremely delicious blueberries for SanLucar – in Lower Franconia on a sunny plateau near the Main River. He takes care of his berries and the plantation with total passion. All year round, he prunes, waters and tends the plants, pulls weeds and sets up beehives. Only with the help of these busy insects can Jochen Münkel harvest delicious, fully ripened blueberries for us from June to September. By the way, he calls them “doping balls” since they contain so many beneficial nutrients.

Jochen Münkel
Jochen Münkel