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Value chain

From the fields to the dining table

Variety development

Long live tastiness

Forever in search of the best taste, we’ve set up test fields all over the world for old and new varieties. In doing so, we exclusively use natural crossbreeding methods and abstain from genetic modification. It then takes about 7 years before one strawberry variety […]


Variety development

Long live tastiness

Forever in search of the best taste, we’ve set up test fields all over the world for old and new varieties. In doing so, we exclusively use natural crossbreeding methods and abstain from genetic modification.
It then takes about 7 years before one strawberry variety finally comes out as the winner among the many million plants. The fact that all the effort is worth is demonstrated by our successful strawberry variety Inspire – with already 17 million plants being produced, it does honour to its name.


Sustainable cultivation

Getting the green light

According to our corporate philosophy, we only build farms where sustainable growing is possible. Before we start a relationship with a growing partner, we create a profile. The criteria we use here are strict: The sowing, protection of the soil, crop rotation, […]


Sustainable cultivation

Getting the green light

According to our corporate philosophy, we only build farms where sustainable growing is possible. Before we start a relationship with a growing partner, we create a profile. The criteria we use here are strict: The sowing, protection of the soil, crop rotation, water consumption, plant preservation, waste management and transport must all be environmentally friendly. Together with our agricultural engineers, we test whether the minimum requirements (such as the GLOBALG.A.P. and/or QS-GAP) and the factors of environmental protection, social issues and health and safety are all met. We don’t enter into a binding collaboration until all these points have been fulfilled. Additionally, we have our own SanLucar auditing system. You can find more information here.

Quality Management

Quality Management

Fruit and vegetables are natural products, so constant premium quality is a challenge, as the weather cannot be controlled. But we master it with our comprehensive quality management. Supported by independent and renowned laboratories, […]


Quality Management

Control is better

Fruit and vegetables are natural products, so constant premium quality is a challenge, as the weather cannot be controlled. But we master it with our comprehensive quality management.
Supported by independent and renowned laboratories, we keep an eye on the entire production process, from the field to the shop. A key factor in the quality of our products comes in the form of our partners, the “master growers”. These are often traditional family enterprises with extensive knowledge, and we’ve been working with most of them since we founded the company. Harvesting is carefully carried out by hand at the respective optimal peak of ripeness. Our agricultural engineers check the quality of the fruit even while they’re still in the fields — only the best fruit and vegetables end up in our packing house. There, the selection process continues, even during the packing process


Quality Management

And because our fruit is proud of their origin, all the packaging comes with an EAN code, so that we can always find out on which field the fruit was grown. A sophisticated logistics system with a complete cold chain guarantees that the fruit gets to markets all over the world as fresh as it can be. Via satellite, we receive real-time information about the temperature in the container, the humidity, the location and the route. Of course we are also IFS  certified.

Point of sale

Point of sale

Together with persons responsible for the fruit and vegetables at the supermarket, our fruit-enthusiastic sales team plans how to best display the products of our SanLucar Brand at the POS, so that the consumer finds the fruit and vegetables as fresh as possible. […]


Point of sale

We act together

Together with persons responsible for the fruit and vegetables at the supermarket, our fruit-enthusiastic sales team plans how to best display the products of our SanLucar Brand at the POS, so that the consumer finds the fruit and vegetables as fresh as possible. Because each supermarket has its individual character, we give tips on how to make the section more vibrant and train supermarket employees on the special characteristics of the various fruits and vegetables. To provide consumers with an even better orientation at the POS, we’ve developed a taste concept for our diverse assortment of tomato, apple and mandarin varieties. This allows each consumer to directly find what’s right for him or her, whether it’s sweet, sour, mild or crisp. We also support sales with tastings and offer recipes, tips on fruit and vegetables and on a healthy diet.