Fruitful partnerships.

Our vision is to bring people natural health and a little joie de vivre. And because we are stronger together, we cooperate with partners such as The Walt Disney Company, the German first division soccer team VfB Stuttgart, and ATP and WTA tennis tournaments. Take a look at how film, sport and sweet fruit go together.

And… action! For sweet fruits.

We are delighted when we can encourage children to eat more fruit and vegetables with our juicy-sweet fruit and crunchy-fresh vegetables.  That’s why our partnership with Disney and its magical movie characters is so valuable to us. In the supermarket, for example, together with Snow White, the Lion King or Nemo, we really whet children’s appetites for our fruit and vegetables. We have been promoting healthy eating for a long time. As taste and eating habits are formed in the first few years of life, it is important to gain a liking for fruit and vegetables as early as possible. And the taste of our fruit is really popular with children.

Our fruit and vegetables? All aces!

Whether the BOSS OPEN in Stuttgart or the Ecotrans Ladies Open in Berlin – as a sponsor and fresh produce partner, we support first-class men’s and women’s tennis at ATP and WTA tournaments. Why? Because delicious fruit and fast-paced sport simply belong together. And what the world’s tennis elite enjoy, we have enjoyed for a long time. “Sport at this level can only work if the nutrition is also perfectly balanced. We know that what’s good for top athletes is good for everyone: lots of fresh and delicious fruit and vegetables,” says our CEO Armin Rehberg. And he’s right! And that’s why tennis enthusiasts and players were able to refresh and fortify themselves during the tournaments – just like at Wimbledon – with our juicy-sweet strawberries with cream, for example.

Unser Obst und Gemüse? Lauter Asse!

Ob die BOSS OPEN in Stuttgart oder die Ecotrans Ladies Open in Berlin – wir unterstützen als Sponsor und Frische-Partner erstklassiges Damen- und Herren-Tennis bei ATP- und WTA-Turnieren. Warum? Weil köstliche Früchte und rasanter Sport einfach zusammengehören. Und was der Tennis-Weltelite schmeckt, mögen wir doch schon lange. >>Sport auf dieser Ebene kann nur funktionieren, wenn auch die Ernährung perfekt abgestimmt ist. Wir wissen: Was Spitzensportler guttut, ist für alle gut – nämlich viel frisches und tolles Obst und Gemüse<<, weiß unser CEO Armin Rehberg. Recht hat er! Und deshalb konnten sich Tennis-Begeisterte und Spieler*innen während der Turniere – ganz wie in Wimbledon – zum Beispiel auch mit unseren saftig-süßen Erdbeeren mit Sahne erfrischen und stärken.

@ 2025 SanLucar Fruit S.L.U.