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The conditions of participation shall apply to the raffle that SANLUCAR FRUIT, S.L. (SANLUCAR) conducts in relation with the Corporate Responsibility Report of SanLucar Group.

Who can participate?

All persons aged 18 years and over are entitled to participate.

The participation through automatic raffle providers and/or multiple submissions is not permitted.

How can you participate?

After answering and sending the questionnaire in relation with our Corporate Responsibility Report, you will automatically participate in the raffle. The questionnaire can be found in the web page of SANLUCAR and in social networks. In addition, if you receive an e-mail by SANLUCAR, you will also find a link on the signature, that will direct you to the questionnaire.

Until when can you participate?

You will be able to answer the questionnaire and participate in the raffle from 26/02/2018 until 18/05/2018. The answers received after the mentioned date shall not be included in the raffle.

The winner shall be chosen randomly on 01/06/2018 and will be informed per e-mail until 04/06/2018.

What can you win? How should the prize be accepted?

You can win a Smoothie maker.

After receiving the notification per e-mail, the winner shall answer within 5 days to accept the price and provide SANLUCAR the address where he/she would like to receive the prize. In case SANLUCAR does not receive an answer within the mentioned term, a new winner shall be randomly chosen.

Cash payment, exchange or transfer of the prize to a third person shall not be accepted.

In case the winner does not receive the prize, for any reasons attributable to him/her, SANLUCAR shall not be obliged to provide a new prize.

Personal Data Protection

The participants accepts that when sending your data, you are automatically consenting the treatment of the provided data, which will be incorporated in a file, property of SANLUCAR FRUIT, S.L. with Tax Id No. B-96128590.

SANLUCAR FRUIT, S.L. complies with the provisions on personal data protection and particularly with Spanish Organic Law 15/1999 of 13th December 1999, on the Protection of Personal Data. SANLUCAR FRUIT, S.L. may transfer, with the same purpose, your personal data to any company belonging to SANLUCAR GROUP (among others SANLUCAR VERTRIEB DEUTSCHLAND GMBH, SANLUCAR DEUTSCHLAND GMBH, SANLUCAR OBST & GEMÜSE HANDELSGES GMBH and VICTORIA FRUIT HANDELS GMBH). The rights of access, cancellation, rectification and opposition may be exercised by written notification, with proof of the petitioner identity, addressed to SANLUCAR FRUIT, S.L., C/Serra Llarga 24, 46530, Puzol (Valencia).