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Plenty of energy when playing sports!

Plenty of energy when playing sports!

If you like to play sports, you know what it’s like to suddenly lose your power! Of course, you have good days and bad days. This is often the result of a bad diet. To avoid this, we have put together a few food ideas for you:

We also know how tasty a chocolate croissant can be for breakfast! But if you want to do more in the morning, you should go for a bowl of cereal with fresh fruit. This will fill you up and provide you with enough strength and energy!

Sports after lunch? No problem! Then a light meal is all the more important. How about rice, delicious vegetables, low-fat meat?

And for any eventuality: pack a small snack in you sports bag. For example, a banana has the energy you need during an intensive workout!

If you burn a lot of calories during sports, you should replenish your reserves afterwards. A fruit curd delivers the right amount of carbohydrates and lots of protein – this will do your muscles well after a hard workout!

Looking for healthy recipe ideas? On our foodblog on Pinterest you will surely find some! Have a look!