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Simply eat well

Simply eat well

Paleo, low-carb, no carb, low fat, keto, glyx, Atkins, interval fasting or pescetarian – there are so many different diets. It seems like every week a new trend pops up. How are you supposed to keep track of them? On top, it’s not so easy to find the right diet for you and to stick to it. But you can also eat a good and healthy diet without stress and strict guidelines. How? We’re going to tell you here.

Lots of these:

Fresh fruit and vegetables should be an integral part of your daily diet. The rule of thumb is: three portions of vegetables and two portions of fruit per day. That’s quite clear. Fruit and vegetables are rich in minerals, secondary plant substances and fiber. In addition, most vegetables are low in calories and won’t go on your hips.

Especially recommended:

Berries may be small, but they’re huge! Not only do they taste delicious, they also contain many good substances that have an antibacterial, antioxidant and blood pressure regulating effect. They also have less sugar than other types of fruit and are therefore also suitable for diabetics.

Nuts and seeds are small powerhouses. They provide fiber and many valuable, unsaturated fatty acids and thus protect the heart, vessels and nerves.

Use moderately:

The body also needs carbohydrates. They are an important and fast supplier of energy and especially our brain benefits from them. Researchers at Tufts University in the United States found that people who did not consume carbohydrates had poorer memory performance than those who did. Carbohydrates are found in many types of fruit, but also in bread, pasta, cornflakes and muesli. Whenever you have the choice, choose whole grain products for bread and pasta.

Whole grain is vastly superior to white flour. Wholemeal contains many more nutrients and fiber, and it’s also more filling. However, if you want to lose weight, you should reduce your carbohydrate intake and avoid pasta, bread and rice to a large extent. This is the best way to get the fat burning process going.


Less of these:

Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products such as yoghurt and quark are also part of a complete diet. These foods provide high-quality proteins and meat also supplies our body with iron and B vitamins. However, only a small amount of these should be eaten. The German Society for Nutrition advises adults to eat only 300 to 600 grams of meat per week. The best is, of course, organic quality.

Pure nature:

The more natural a food is, the healthier. That’s why our body especially loves fresh fruit, vegetables and also fresh herbs. Fast food or ready meals, on the other hand, are usually low in nutrients but high in calories. When cooking, you should take care to prepare the food gently. Raw vegetables, fried or steamed food retains nutrients and vital substances, but unfortunately these are lost when fried or cooked for too long.

It’s not all that difficult, is it? And you don’t have to dogmatize it either. Because actually common sense tells you what your body likes and what is good for your health. And the best thing about this very simple diet: it allows everything, it’s varied and really tasty!

Sources: all4family;;;;;

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