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With broccoli and co. through the pandemic

With broccoli and co. through the pandemic

Good news for all fans of green vegetables! Not long ago, a study was published in a science magazine, according to which broccoli, kale and co. could help in the fight against the corona virus. This is admittedly very simplistically expressed. But we can go a little deeper into the matter together.
Very severe cases of corona are accompanied by lung failure and blood clotting disorders. Since vitamin K plays a crucial role in blood clotting, researchers suspect that the blood clotting disorders in covid patients could be due to a vitamin K deficiency. However, they say it remains to be determined whether the vitamin deficiency promotes a severe course or whether the vitamin K deficiency is a concomitant of the infection or pneumonia.
In order to find this out, further studies would have to be made in which the sick people are additionally supplied with vitamin K.
In any case, it certainly can’t hurt to take vitamin K now. And where does this great vitamin come from? Avocados, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach leaves, Chinese cabbage, fennel, parsley, chives, watercress and leaf lettuce all contain plenty of the blood-clotting vitamin.
So: cabbage in the pot, salads on the plate and everything nicely seasoned with herbs and the vitamin K reserves are well replenished.

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