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Greenpeace recommends our raspberries

Greenpeace recommends our raspberries

The environmental protection organization Greenpeace has purchased raspberries and currants in several German supermarkets and tested them for pesticide exposure. Among the tested berries were also SanLucar Nibbling Berries.

Unlike the berries of many other vendors, the Greenpeace experts did not find any pesticide residues in our raspberries – just as our 32 quality technicians around the world who work with the SanLucar growers every day to make sure that the only products that reach the table are ones we would eat ourselves – thank you!

The complete test results can be found here or at Simply click on the test for berries, read it through and then open the PDF file »Probentabelle Strauchbeeren«  “Sample table of soft fruits.” Then you’ll see the green traffic light for SanLucar.

Keep enjoying your worry-free snacking!