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Dreams come true

Dreams come true

We have a farm in South Africa… And on this farm, we are passionately involved with our social DREAMS projects. We want the people who work for us there to have a good life. You can see how we do this here in the video.

Education for better opportunities

Our commitment on our citrus farm Rooihoogte starts with the youngest. We have set up a kindergarten, the Speelskool, for the children of our employees. There, while the parents are working, about 40 to 50 children are cared for. They can play, romp, sing and dance here. And at lunchtime, they get a warm lunch prepared with the deliciously fresh vegetables from our own farm’s garden.

In addition, schoolchildren receive special support programmes, computer programmes and free tutoring so that they have the same educational opportunities as city children.

The “we” is what counts

The people at our farm should feel good – every single person, but also the community. We attach special importance to a community in which everyone can participate and everyone is appreciated. A community in which there is room for dreams and their realization. On the farm, there is a community shop, an infirmary and a library. A fitness room was sponsored by our partners and also the dream of a swimming pool has come true – thanks to them. On hot summer days, the inhabitants of the farm can now jump into the cool water.

Fruit and vegetables from own cultivation

A healthy diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables is important to us. Since the next village with shopping facilities is half an hour away, we have created a garden for self-sufficiency together with the farm inhabitants. The first harvest always goes to the kindergarten. Our colleague Adriana was at Rooihoogte as a volunteer to add fresh ingredients to the menu. She enthusiastically gave cooking classes and showed that healthy cabbage rolls can also taste good to kids.


Fulfilling dreams with handmade items

Every weekend at Rooihoogte, the women come a little bit closer to their dreams. How they do it? They make bracelets and fabric bags that are then sold. The proceeds will be paid into a DREAMS account. With this money, the women can fulfil their small dreams – be it a telephone, a microwave oven or new glasses.

Ways out of addiction During apartheid, many farm workers in South Africa were paid part of their wages in the form of alcohol. Many have become so addicted to alcohol. We have therefore introduced the CHOICES Addiction Prevention Programme in cooperation with the Association Pro Care. With positive results: one third of the participants could defeat alcohol addiction and all participants are now more self-confident and have fresh prospects for their future.

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