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Happiness on four wheels – a bus for Rooihoogte!

Happiness on four wheels – a bus for Rooihoogte!

Going to the doctor in the city, buying groceries at the supermarket, driving the kids to kindergarten – for us, these are everyday things we can do comfortably. But not for the inhabitants of our South African farm Rooihoogte. Because the nearest town is 30 minutes away by car and there is no public transport. This means that when the people from the farm have to go to town for errands or doctor’s appointments, they spend a lot of money on taxis every time. It’s not always easy for the children of our employees to come to our free kindergarten at Rooihoogte – especially when heavy rainfall has turned the streets into muddy paths.

It was understandable that the farm’s inhabitants had one big wish above all: to have their own bus – for more mobility, freedom and flexibility! So they started to save and put aside income from vegetable sales in their community shop. This was how it started…
When some of our trading partners were visiting our farm Rooihoogte, they were very enthusiastic about the initiative of the farm inhabitants and wanted to encourage them in their commitment.
For example, we showed our video “DREAMS in South Africa” at one of the most important events for retailers in May 2019.

Our trade partners heard about the great dream of the taxi bus and together we raised the incredible sum of €40.000. In cooperation with the “Träume werden wahr e.V.” (Dreams come true) support association, we have thus fulfilled a great dream for the farm’s inhabitants: a taxi bus. After extensive planning by the community, this dream was realized within only a few months.

Joy and gratitude
Just in time for the Christmas party, we surprised the farm inhabitants with probably their most beautiful Christmas present: a brand-new, white minibus!

“That was our big dream. We thought it would take another 20 years, but today we are making history,” exclaimed farm manager Adriaan gratefully. And it was not just him with tears of joy in their eyes.
During the celebration, everything was suddenly quiet: with a minute of silence, the farm inhabitants thanked the people who had made this great dream come true. For us, this was one of the most emotional moments of 2019!

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