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3.5 tons of mandarins for COVID relief action

3.5 tons of mandarins for COVID relief action

When the coronavirus spread around the world in early 2020, many countries reacted with a lockdown. Social and economic life also came to a standstill in South Africa. And of course, this hit those people who have to look for work from day to day and who receive daily wages particularly hard.
We at SanLucar wanted to help these people in need. We donated 3.5 tons of mandarins from our South African citrus farm Rooihoogte. We brought 1.7 tons of the delicious fruit to 600 needy families in the mountainous region near our farm. The remaining 1.8 tons we gave to the South African Red Cross. With our vitamin-rich fruits, school supplies and hygiene articles, aid packages were tied up and distributed to families in the townships of the Western Cape region. This is how we were able to support them a little and show our solidarity.

Also after the next mandarin harvest, we would like to donate fruits again. It is a matter close to our heart to help those people who have been particularly hard hit by the pandemic and its economic consequences.

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