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A garden just for our employees

A garden just for our employees

In South Africa, spring is coming to the country and on our farm in Roihoogte, the harvest season is already beginning – at least as far as the vegetables in our farm garden are concerned. Garden expert Kobus Kritzinger proudly shows us his plants. »We’ve got broccoli, red cabbage, cauliflower, peas and a variety of salads here. They can all be harvested now,« he says happily, with a huge smile on his face.

In 2017, the garden on our citrus farm was set up sustainably and very naturally as what is called a “permaculture garden.” Since then, Kobus has been working with volunteers to look after the young vegetables – with the aim of providing the farm staff with fresh and healthy food at low cost. The harvested vegetables and the eggs of the farm hens are sold in a shop owned by the community.

Our volunteer Adriana organises cooking courses so that the freshly harvested vegetables turn into tasty dishes. And on December 1, there will be a big »garden party« on our farm: Kobus explains how healthy herbs and vegetables are and afterwards the most delicious recipes will be tried out with the garden vegetables. Mmmmh, our mouths are already watering.

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