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A suitcase full of experiences

A suitcase full of experiences

Gathering experience, facing new challenges, getting to know other cultures, exchanging ideas – as part of the SanLucar Volunteer Programme, our colleague Nayim from Spain travelled to Ecuador for four weeks in September – with a lot of luggage and even more joyful anticipation.

His first stay for two weeks: our grape farm in Santa Elena. »From the very first moment, everyone there was very friendly and warm-hearted to me,« Nayim remembers gratefully. A real team-spirit togetherness that inspires you. Not only did Nayim learn a lot about the procedures and daily work on the farm, he also organised sports and stretching workshops for the employees together with the local assistant for Corporate Responsibility. He also instructed the employees on how to use the Excel computer program and organised an open day for the employees’ children. The focus was on play, fun, team spirit and fair play.

After two exciting and beautiful weeks it was time to say »Adiós« because Nayim’s second stage beckoned: our banana farm in Puebloviejo. »I’ve always loved bananas, but now I’m also somewhat of an expert,« Nayim says happily. He learned a lot there about the growth of the sweet fruit. And not only that. He also attended the SanLucar d.r.e.a.m.s. Sports School, where more than 250 children and teenagers now play basketball or football, box or do judo. SanLucar founded this sports school in order to support the region around Puebloviejo in the long term and to provide children and young people with a meaningful and healthy range of leisure activities.

Loaded with experiences and constant new tasks and challenges, the four weeks in Ecuador just flew by. A very special time for Nayim: »I gathered unforgettable memories and important experiences. But the best part was: I made great friends, too.«

As part of the Volunteer Programme, SanLucar also offers trips to Tunisia and South Africa. We’re already very excited about the next report from abroad.

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