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Awarded for Social Progress

Awarded for Social Progress

On our farm “La Cinquième Saison” in El Hamma, Tunisia, we have already received the First Prize for Social Progress from the Tunisian President for the second time. We harvest deliciously tasty tomatoes here. Working conditions are particularly important to us. For instance, we pay our farm workers 30% more than the legal average, and our farm has two doctors and two nurses on site every day. There are regular breast cancer prevention campaigns for all female employees and educational campaigns to stop smoking are also in place.
In the village of El Hamma, we have renovated seven schools over the past three years and support our employees with language courses. Ultimately, appropriate education is a cornerstone for a self-determined life.
Since 2017, students of agricultural sciences have therefore had the opportunity to do the practical part of their training at our farm. Afterwards, they have a good chance of being employed by us.
For about ten years now, we have been working with local NGOs that employ people with mental or physical disabilities. In the workshops, they make hooks and threads for us, for example, on which our tomato plants can grow, and their laundry facility takes care of all our cleaning.
By the way, we donated the prize money of the Social Progress Award to the neighboring hospital of El Hamma the last time – for the purchase of a ventilator for Covid patients.

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