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Chrisna's dream to be an agronomist

Chrisna’s dream to be an agronomist

22-year-old Chrisna Joseph, is all smiles: »I never thought I’d be driving a tractor and taking care of the plants on the farm.«

Chrisna was born on our Rooihoogte citrus farm in South Africa in 1998, before SanLucar acquired the farm in 2012.

At 19, Chrisna started as a seasonal worker at Rooihoogte. In the meantime, she is a proud tractor driver and responsible for the so-called weeds on the farm. She decides where to use what equipment so that the »weeds« don’t spread too much. But Chrisna is after even more. She is ambitious and looking for new challenges.

Her goal is to graduate from high school and then study agricultural science. She is also doing all this for her eight-year-old son Keatwin, who currently attends the free kindergarten on our farm. She wants to be a role model for him and offer him a good life. And we will continue to actively support Chrisna so that the 22-year-old’s dreams actually come true.

»My work presents me with new challenges every day that I can grow from. I am really grateful to SanLucar. SanLucar has always believed in me and supported me in enabling me to be in charge of my own life.«

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