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Citrus course for job seekers

Citrus course for job seekers

Not all people are living on the sunny side of life – and we at SanLucar are aware of this. We want to give the people who have long been out of work, prospects and the hope for a better future. Therefore, in 2013, as part of our d.r.e.a.m.s. initiative, we founded the soup kitchen »El Puchero« (the cooking pot) in Valencia.

There, we distribute monthly 6400 freshly prepared and warm food to needy people. This is just a first step towards alleviating the acute need – but we would like to go on helping. We want people to find work again and earn a regular income.

Together with the association Coordinadora Solidaria and the Randstadt Foundation, we invited 30 women to a workshop to qualify for a job in the citrus industry. Topics such as hygiene, food safety, citrus fruit classification, sorting and packaging were on the agenda. The workshop ended with an application training. Now the foundations have been laid for a quick return to working life and we wish all participants all the best and much success for their future lives and careers.

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