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Education for everyone

Education for everyone

A good school educationis an important building block for a happy life. Therefore we support the education of children in our growing countries with school scholarships and school supplies. After all, all children should have the same conditions for a good life.
For many years now, we have been awarding school scholarships to the children of our employees in Tunisia. 170 children at various levels of learning, including students, receive financial support for their education, which is a great motivation to graduate and pursue their desired career paths. We also donated writing materials to400 students just in time for the start of school year.
Also in Valencia this year we provided about 60 children and young people from our Solidarity Kitchen “El Puchero”with school supplies. For the smaller ones, we bought e.g. wax crayons and paper – the older school children got calculators from us.
We wish all children and young people a successful beginning of the school year!

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