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Education makes you happy

Education makes you happy

The laughter and happiness in the eyes of Anastacia, Jamie- Lee and Elanda is our best proof that we’ve done something good for someone. The three girls and their parents live on our South African farm Rooihoogte. While their parents work on the plantations, the teenagers attend a school in the country. Unfortunately, the level of these rural schools is not as high as that of the urban schools. We were determined to make up for this discrepancy so that all the pupils living on our farm would have the same chances later as the city children. Therefore, we now offer afternoon follow-up courses for 7- to 14-year-olds and 15- to 18-year-olds. The pupils do homework here, get tutoring if necessary – and play. They also have access to the CAMI computer program with numerous motivating learning games.

In this way, we have managed to bring the educational level of the farm children into line with that of the pupils in the cities. And that makes us very happy and quite proud!

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