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Expanding horizons in South Africa!

Expanding horizons in South Africa!

Seeing the bigger picture, gaining experience, getting involved in a different culture, developing new ideas – that’s what our employees Carsten and Adriana wanted to do. Carsten works in the IT team in Germany and Adriana in Puzol, Spain in the Travel Department. So they were drawn to South Africa for four weeks as part of the SanLucar volunteer programme, more precisely to our farm in Roihoogte. They spent a lot of time with the children of the employees and pickers there. For example, Carsten organised several barbecue parties and a sports event together with his South African colleagues. Adriana went to the library with the children, splashed around with them in the pool and played billiards with them.

And in cooking class, she taught them how to make a delicious meal. The four weeks simply flew by. What’s left? Memories of an intense time full of new impressions. And Carsten is sure that this wouldn’t be his last time in South Africa.

On 30 October, Adriana, together with other former participants in the SanLucar Voluntary Programme, then told her Spanish colleagues about her experiences in South Africa – and certainly made one or two people also want to get a glimpse of the bigger picture.

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