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From tractor driver to farm manager

From tractor driver to farm manager

“I have a dream,” Adriaan says. “I want my children to say that when they grow up that I was able to give them a good start in life.”

In 2000, Adriaan started working as a tractor driver on the Rooihoogte farm in South Africa. He was dedicated and ambitious, because he wanted to become a farm manager. But because of the effects of apartheid, his dream of career advancement was little more than a far-away wish. That changed abruptly when we took over the farm in 2012.

At SanLucar, we want our employees to develop their full potential and seize their opportunities for a life with bright prospects.

That’s why we support them with our DREAMS program in the areas of education, sports, nutrition and the environment. Adriaan worked diligently. He showed what he was made of and we promoted him. In 2014 he became part of the management team and four years later a farm manager. Since then, he has successfully managed our 408-hectare farm near Cape Town, lovingly caring for the citrus trees and the team as a whole. His children attend the farm’s own kindergarten and are well prepared for school. How beautiful it is when dreams come true!

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