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Much more than a breakfast

Much more than a breakfast

Once a month, our Spanish staff at our headquarters in Puzol meet for breakfast. It’s always fun and really brings people together. Everyone brings something tasty to eat for everyone: Baguettes, jam, cheese, ham and whatever else their hearts desire. This food is then sold to colleagues as sandwiches during the breakfast break. With the proceeds, we support small projects of our DREAMS programme. For example, we bought new balls for our sports school in Ecuador and organized a family sports day at our farm Rooihoogte in South Africa.

For the Nutrition Day, we also gave workshops on healthy nutrition for the children of our sports school DREAMS in Ecuador and our farm Rooihoogte in South Africa, as well as for the children of the visitors of El Pucheros in Spain.


17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

During our breakfast together, we not only eat delicious food, but also learn something new. In 2011, SanLucar signed the Global Compact 2011 and since 2018 has supported the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

To draw our employees’ attention to these goals, we hold a sustainability quiz at our Solidarity Breakfast. The aim of 17 breakfast meetings is to correctly answer 17 questions on UN sustainability issues such as »no poverty«, »clean water« and »climate protection«. Those who manage to do this and have collected 17 stickers will end up receiving a small, sustainable prize. After breakfast together, our employees go to work satisfied and happy: they eat delicious food, learn something and have done something good for others.

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