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SanLucar supports children in bouldering

SanLucar supports children in bouldering

Bouldering? What’s that? Very simple: bouldering is climbing without a climbing rope and without a climbing harness on rocks or artificial climbing walls at jump height.

Bouldering: the children of the Arche Karlsruhe e.V. can now do it too. SanLucar supported the non-profit association – which takes care of children in financial or emotional need – with a donation of €3000 for the purchase of necessary bouldering protection mats (crash pads).

Let the bouldering fun can begin! »Nothing can keep our children on the ground anymore. They run towards our climbing wall and ascend to four-meter-high climbing paths with different levels of difficulty,« a member of the Arche Karlsruhe staff is pleased to report.

The kids are doing more than just working out their muscles. Bouldering requires not only strength but also mobility, technique, concentration,

endurance and self-control. The children learn to be more aware of their bodies and are always prepared for new challenges.

Since sport is one of the core areas of the SanLucar DREAMS Programme, it was near to our heart to support Arche Karlsruhe e.V. here. Since, as the saying goes for the kids: a day without bouldering is possible, but pointless.

Arche Karlsruhe e.V. cares for children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds and kids who do not receive so much attention and care from their parents. After school, these children receive a healthy, warm lunch in the Arche and are then supported in their homework by volunteers.

Afterwards, many different leisure activities await them. Because it is also part of the work of Arche Karlsruhe e.V. to strengthen the children in their talents – so that they can ascend the climbing wall, but also reach high heights later in life.


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