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Sport goes to school in Ecuador

Sport goes to school in Ecuador

Two years ago, we opened our d.r.e.a.m.s. Sports School in Puebloviejo in the coastal lowlands of Ecuador. We began in the standard way with football. Meanwhile, 262 kids aged 4 to 16 attend our sports school and not just kicking footballs. Three other sports have been added: The young athletes do Judo, play basketball or enter the ring to box. Is that not a reason to celebrate? So, we threw a big party on the sports field in Puebloviejo in May. The children presented their types of sport in front of a large audience together with their coaches. We can truly imagine that more children will soon train at the d.r.e.a.m.s. Sports School.

From the very beginning, it was important to us that the kids participate in their sport while really having fun and that they are experiencing and acquiring values ​​such as team spirit, fair play and responsibility. In addition, we convey to them how important a healthy diet is with lots of fresh vegetables and fruits and how it is important to treat nature mindfully and sustainably. There are always workshops and seminars led by experts, too. For example, in May, Doctor Rocio Macias and nutritionist Diana Icaza from our farm Hacienda Magdalena lectured on the topic: »A Healthy Diet for Athletes.«

We are full of the »can do« spirit and hope that our d.r.e.a.m.s. Sports School continues to grow and thrive. Because it’s the nicest when dreams come true for as many people as possible.

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