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The best kindergarten? Nature!

The best kindergarten? Nature!

On our farm Rooihoogte in sunny South Africa not only delicious oranges, mandarins and lemons grow happily, but the children of our farm workers, too.
That‘s why seven years ago we founded »Speelskool«, a kindergarten that the little ones from our Rooihoogte farm and our grape farm De Hoek attend up to primary school.

It‘s so nice to see how much fun the little kids have together there. They laugh, sing, play, romp and they already help in the farm’s own permaculture garden.
In this way, they develop a special connection to nature and healthy food from a very young age – because the first harvest always goes first to the kindergarten kitchen.
Every day the little ones get freshly prepared meals with vegetables and fruit from their own garden. Our quality technician Sergio was also very convinced by the loving work with the little ones He took part in the SanLucar volunteer program and spent 4 weeks on the South African farm. »The joy of life and energy of the children is totally contagious. I really wanted to do something creative with them,« laughs Sergio. And so he came up with the idea of planting a rock garden with them. With the wheelbarrow, they moved gravel and stones and let their imaginations take over. Now hearts and other original stone shapes decorate the ground. »We worked together to achieve a common goal and had a lot of fun doing it.«

And we are very happy that the »Speelskool« children are thriving as splendidly as our fruit.

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