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We‘re celebrating the Feast of Love

We‘re celebrating the Feast of Love

When the air is fragrant with cinnamon and cloves, we become lost in reflection with Christmas carols and we lovingly wrap the gifts for our loved ones. Suddenly, Christmas is just around the corner and the anticipation of the feast is huge. Especially for the little ones, Christmas is something very special. Lots of snacking and plenty of presents make children’s hearts beat faster. In Valencia, where our headquarters is located, there are families who cannot afford to complete their children’s Christmas wishes. Therefore, fulfilling a Christmas wish for the children of visitors to our El Puchero Solidarity Kitchen was a matter close to our hearts.

All year long, we’ve been collecting toys in very good condition – from Barbie dolls in glittery dresses to fluffy cuddly toys and speedy racers.

Just before before Christmas, preparations are in full swing here in Puzol, because 130 gifts are carefully being wrapped by hand in Christmas paper.

While doing this, we had in mind exactly whether it’s for a boy or a girl and how old the child is in order to choose the suitable surprise. This year, due to the Corona pandemic, we are unfortunately unable to surprise the children with Santa Claus and a joyful celebration all together. Therefore, we’ve given the gifts to the parents who visited our Solidarity Kitchen before Christmas. So we’re hoping that the children will unwrap their gift today on the 24th of December with bright eyes and a smile on their faces.

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