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We're helping the needy in the coronavirus crisis

We’re helping the needy in the coronavirus crisis

Unfortunately, the Novel Coronavirus still has a firm grip on the whole world. Governments have imposed curfews and contact bans, and for weeks now, many have been forced to stay home to work. It seems that the whole world is at a standstill.

As with all crises, the Corona crisis affects people from socially deprived backgrounds hardest. The fear of contagion torments them daily with questions like: Will I still have enough to eat tomorrow? How do I provide enough to eat for my children?

“El Puchero” – a hot meal every day
Since 2013, we have been cooking for needy people in our soup kitchen “El Puchero” in cooperation with the non-profit organization Coordinadora Solidaria in Valencia. In 2018, we opened another soup kitchen together in the port area of Valencia – “El Puchero Portuario“. Normally 400 people visit our soup kitchens every day to pick up a warm, freshly cooked meal. But because of the curfew imposed in Spain, this was no longer possible. Our kitchens had to close.

But one thing was clear to us: we didn’t want to abandon these needy people under any circumstances. Therefore, we thought about how we could continue to support them, especially in these difficult times.

“El Puchero” goes mobile
In order to ensure that visitors of our “soup kitchens” are well provided for during the pandemic, “El Puchero” now brings food packages to those in need once a week – right to their homes. The packages include rice, noodles, lentils, meat, cold cuts, tinned food, potatoes, fruit, vegetables as well as cookies and jelly for the children. El Puchero is supported by local food companies and organizations.

Our SanLucar staff have donated diligently, as well. So we were able to buy and distribute urgently needed hygiene articles, such as soap, milk powder and diapers for 53 families.

It will certainly take a while before we are allowed to reopen our soup kitchens in Valencia, but until then “El Puchero” simply remains mobile. #togetherwecan

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