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We're setting an example

We’re setting an example

We are always extremely happy when – after many hours of warm sunshine – the tomatoes ripen in our oasis in El Hamma in the south of Tunisia, turning an intense red color and wonderfully flavorful.

But of course, we don’t only want our fruits to be feel well, but also the people we work with and the region where we grow our delicacies.
That’s why we have been committed since 2017, in cooperation with the Tunisian government, to renovating schools in the region around El Hamma. Many schools here are in poor condition. Blackboards are broken, tables and chairs broken, textbooks a rarity.

This makes it difficult for the teachers to teach and the children to learn. With the help of our DREAMS initiative, we have been able to repair ten schools so far. We have renovated the outdoor facilities and playgrounds, painted classrooms bright and purchased new tables, chairs and drinking water dispensers. We have been honored for this: in 2018, we received the award for exceptional social commitment from the Tunisian President, followed a year later by the Hanon Award for responsible investment in Tunisia. But the most beautiful award for us is the laughter of the school children and their joy in learning in a good school environment.

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