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Fruit and vegetables – the brain boosters

Fruit and vegetables – the brain boosters

»Now concentrate!« Have you ever heard that? When your mind keeps drifting off and you have to admonish yourself to stick to the task at hand? But concentration is not always achieved by sheer effort of will.
To be able to focus well and for a long time on one thing, the brain needs many nutrients, especially complex carbohydrates, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B, E and C, but also minerals like calcium, magnesium and secondary plant substances such as the pigments in berries. Many of these precious substances are contained in fresh fruits and vegetables. According to studies, the concentration of people who eat whole foods is many times better than that of people who mainly eat fast food.
We have a few tips for you on how to keep your thinking machinery well-oiled and your grey cells on the go with tasty foods.
In the morning, it’s best to start with oatmeal or an unsweetened whole grain granola refined with fresh fruit or berries and a few nuts. This provides energy, the first vitamins and high-quality omega-3 fatty acids. At lunchtime, easy-to-digest meals such as whole-grain pasta with vegetables are ideal, or fish with vegetables or salad. In the evening you should rather do without the typical German supper and reduce carbohydrates. How about a vegetable bowl with sunflower seeds and couscous or an asparagus-broccoli salad with avocado slices?
In addition, the following also applies to mental work: drink, drink, drink and specifically mineral water or unsweetened tea. Our brain is made up of 75 percent water, so in order to remain efficient, it naturally needs plenty of fluids.
We are sure that with the right nutrition, our brain will quickly forget such phrases as »Now concentrate!«
Sources: Woman, focus, fitbook,

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