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Fruit for diabetics?

Fruit for diabetics?

Endless beneficial substances, but also sugar. How dangerous is fruit for diabetics?

The delicious bite into a delicious piece of cream cake. The licking of a spoon full of jam – for the approximately eight million diabetics out there, that’s a taboo. The high sugar content of these foods completely wreaks havoc on the insulin level. The sweet, healthy and tasty alternative is fruit. But here too it depends on the amount.

Sweet delights to the palate are always a great temptation. As a diabetic, resisting is not easy. Fortunately, there is a very tasty and, above all, very healthy alternative with fruit, which truly tastes good. But is this true? Can I eat fruit as a diabetic? Fruits of nature do include fructose, glucose, and the sugar-like substance sorbitol.

The good news: fructose and sorbitol have a slight effect on the blood sugar. And the effect of the glucose is blocked by the high fibre content in fruit.

So can I feast on them without hesitation? Professor Thomas Haak, Medical Director of the diabetes centre in Bad Mergentheim, says: »Fruit is definitely recommended for diabetics, but not in excessive quantities. My practical recommendation would be one portion of fruit every day – one that fits into your hands formed as cup. That’s ideal. This can be an apple and a pear, or a handful of berries.«

Also important to know: Exotic fruits like mangoes, papaya, figs and bananas make the blood glucose level rise very quickly. There is no need to do without them completely, but a little restraint is called for. Of course, you can safely enjoy apples, pears, oranges and clementines.

More information on this topic is available on the Internet at