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Sweet Chestnuts to fight autumn depression

Sweet Chestnuts to fight autumn depression

It’s raining nonstop in Valencia. The autumn is now on our doorstep.

I know that many of our readers have “enjoyed” some autumn days, but our Spanish summer is always a bit longer and our autumn has only just begun.

You have certainly noticed by now: I’m not a big fan of autumn. The days are shorter, you have less desire to be outside, vacation time is already over and Christmas still seems very far away. They say that probably 1 in 10 adults suffer from autumn-winter depression. Surely I am one of them.


If I could save only one thing from the autumn, it would be the sweet chestnuts. Only the sweet chestnuts. Soon, here in Valencia, roasted chestnuts will be sold on the street. The flavour is just irresistible to me. They are delicious, taste incredible and are lower in calories than many other snacks. I like sweet chestnuts mainly when they are roasted in the oven, but they can also be used for creative cuisine. I’ve seen and tasted almost everything variation: as puree, as fillings, glazed as a dessert, candied, chestnut cake … the possibilities are countless. Here are some tips from SanLucar.

By the way, the sweet chestnuts harvest is just beginning. Our Master Grower in Galicia (Northern Spain) will harvest the delicious fruits this week, so they’ll be available in two weeks.

Finally, a small trip tip for all sweet chestnuts freaks like me: The beautiful town of Collobrieres in the French Provence, will be celebrating the “Fête de Châtaigne” (The Feast of the Chestnuts). For almost a whole month, activities, exhibitions and tastings will be held around the popular chestnut. Unbelievable, don’t you think? This is definitely something to fight autumn depression with!