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SanLucar receives the »Goldener Zuckerhut«

SanLucar receives the »Goldener Zuckerhut«

Huge joy in the capital! On 10.11.2023, SanLucar was awarded the Goldener Zuckerhutduring a festive gala in Berlin!

The Goldener Zuckerhutis probably the most prestigious and important award in the food and consumer goods industry.

Since 1958, the publication “Lebensmittel Zeitung” and a high-profile jury have been honouring companies that have distinguished themselves through excellent products and exceptional achievements.

Accordingly, Stephan Rötzer, owner of SanLucar, and CEO, Armin Rehberg, were happy and proud as they held the 65th Goldener Zuckerhut in their hands.

“We are proud of what we do, of our fruits, and of our entire team, without whom this award would not have been possible,” explained Stephan Rötzer. “In the end, what matters most is that one can recognise how much dedication and passion has been poured into the SanLucar brand by each individual.”

And CEO, Armin Rehberg, sees a fruity future for SanLucar: “If there are products with enormous potential in the food sector, it is certainly fruits and vegetables. Our fruits and our unique brand show how amazing and even sexy fresh produce from nature can be! Of course, this can only be achieved with great employees and partners. For all of them, receiving the Zuckerhut award is a beautiful confirmation of their daily commitment.”

Yes, there is nothing more to add. What we do, we do with great passion – for the fruits and for our customers!

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