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Golfing for a good cause

Golfing for a good cause

We called and they came! On September 24 in Brunn am Gebirge, Austria, 140 famous and less prominent golfers from the worlds of sports, culture and business pulled their clubs out of their bags and played the little white ball across the green – for a good cause, for Österreichische Sporthilfe (Austrian Sports Aid).

Of course, the charity-athletes were able to recharge their batteries and refresh themselves with our sun-drenched, flavorsome fruit throughout the tournament.

And after the tournament – with a raffle and dinner afterwards – the glorious winners were treated to our sumptuous and delicious fruit baskets. At the end of the event, 24,000 euros were raised for Österreichische Sporthilfe. With this money, we support young and talented athletes from Austria on their way to the top. A truly fruitful success!

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