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Master chef Rolf Straubinger is celebrating his 25th star anniversary. And we're celebrating with him!

Master chef Rolf Straubinger is celebrating his 25th star anniversary. And we’re celebrating with him!

Master chef Rolf Straubinger is celebrating his 25th star anniversary. And we’re celebrating with him! SanLucar is giving you 25% more delicious Nibbling Tomatoes, Rubin Tomatoes, Praline tomatoes and Tomato Kisses. What a tasty feast! And because we’re so fond of celebrating, we have something special for you:

Aktion Straubinger Tomate


We’re raffling off a gourmet menu for two, cooked by star chef Rolf Straubinger. Where will you be dining? In his restaurant Burg Staufeneck near Göppingen. Afterwards you’ll stay at the Five-Star-Superior-Hotel at Burg Staufeneck. What do you have to do to win? Simple: Cut out a SanLucar label and send it in using the keywords “25% more content” with your full contact data to:

SanLucar Deutschland GmbH
Zeppelinstraße 6
76275 Ettlingen

The deadline is 11 June 2017. Good luck and Bon Appetit!


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