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With SanLucar Fruit, thing run great

With SanLucar Fruit, thing run great

42.195 km, 26,000 runners and full passion ahead. After a year’s break, nearly all of Vienna was on its feet. The 38th Vienna City Marathon was the first large city marathon worldwide since the outbreak of the pandemic and attracted thousands of runners to Vienna and hundreds of thousands to the racecourse.

When it comes to health, sports and fun, we love being there. For guests and top runners, we had come up with a very special treat. At the SanLucar fruit stand there was everything to make runners’ hearts beat faster. From Tutti Frutti with delicious mangos, grapes and many other fruits to various cut fruits like pineapples, melons and berries, which we prepared continuously. Everything that can currently be found in our assortment was there. “Especially the creamy-sweet bananas and the variety of berries were a huge hit,” Alexender Thaller, Managing Director of SanLucar, knows,

 “Athletes pay attention to what’s good for their bodies and we have exactly the right selection for them.”

With the sun shining brightly, guests didn’t miss the chance to sample our juice and smoothie selection, as well. Nearly 600 mixed cups of sun-kissed fruit and 150 mixed fruit bowls were snacked on by thrilled guests between 10am and 3pm. “Many visitors were delighted with the flavor and perfect ripeness of our fruit,” says Alex Thaller.

In short: The Vienna City Marathon is an international highlight of the year with special people in a special city. We had a lot of fun being the sweet power source at this event. We are looking forward to next year, when again it’ll be: On your marks. Get set. Go!

All information concerning the event can be found here:

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