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Grape Revolution in India

Grape Revolution in India

Nashik, India, 15 March 2019
Our globetrotter, bundle of energy and quality expert Oscar Salgado greets us this time from the West of India, more precisely from the city of Nashik, which is located on the holy river Godavari in the state of Maharashtra. More than 112 million people live in this Indian state, which is slightly smaller than Germany.
The region around the metropolis Nashik is the centre of Indian viticulture. And this is exactly where our crisp, magnificent Thompson Seedless grapes grow and thrive. No wonder: The climate there is ideal for sweet fruits. It is warm all year

round and from June to September the monsoon brings enough rain for the vines. Harvesting takes place from mid-January to mid-April, so that we can nibble on the delicious grapes until June. But Oscar has not only seen the abundant grape harvest on our plantations, he is already busy with new plans. But he didn’t want to reveal any more details. Top secret! Only this much: It is about grapes and it will be a real revolution. We are already very excited and will keep you up to date.

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