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 Colombia's Avocados Valley

 Colombia’s Avocados Valley

Valle del Cauca, Colombia, 30 May 2018
Our Quality Expert Oscar and Country Manager Leonel greet you with a cheery “hola” from far away Colombia. On the way to the avocado fields they first ended up in a ditch, but luckily they arrived safely. They’ve come to check whether the growing conditions here are suitable for SanLucar.

The creamy nutty delicacy is so popular with us that last year in Europe, a total of 28,487,048 kg of the delicious fruit was consumed. In any case, in the Valle del Cauca, the climate and the soil are absolutely ideal. And thanks to the different altitudes, you can grow the fruit here practically all year round on a comparatively small area. Another great point, since – whether you’re hungry or not – resource-conserving cultivation is just as sacred as delicious taste.

Of course, a growing partner must be found that suits us and much, much more. That’s why Oscar and Leonel are returning now (accident-free, please) with lots of findings – and you may just feel like making yourself something tasty with one of those 28,487,048 kg of avocados!

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