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Eusebio and his skilled hand

Eusebio and his skilled hand

Rooihoogte, 22 January 2018

In this photo, we only see his talented hand for raising the best Orri mandarins. Today Eusebio is slightly frazzled by the weather because around our South African farm Rooihoghte it’s rather hot and dry (Luckily, we have a super ecological water system here where the plants never go thirsty while wasting nothing). Now, back to the fruit: still pretty green themselves! »And no rushing things here,« says Eusebio. »An Orri tree needs to grow for 4 years before it even bears any fruit.


And the mandarins also need their 10 months to ripen.« This alone requires a lot of patience before the fruit blooms, because the variety is very strong and responds to the fertilisation of sprawling vegetation – the technical team of our citrus masters Llusar has developed extra special methods for this, so we can look forward to many juicy mandarins this time around. »Exactly,« says Eusebio »And then they are so delicious that I can finish them off in 1 second.«


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