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Giuliano visiting our citrus fields in Middelriver

Giuliano visiting our citrus fields in Middelriver

Middelriver, January 9, 2018

Well, what are they doing here? Citrus Quality Expert Eusebio gets a visit from our growing partner Giuliano from Bari, Italy. You know: they’re the ones who grow our delicious sugar-sweet grapes! But the grapes have nothing to do with the visit: Giuliano would soon like to grow delicious citrus fruits. And Eusebio is just the person for a few initial pointers.


He’s shown them our irrigation system, our pumps, our dam and our moisture probes in the soil. »They’re worth their weight in gold!« he explains. »Thanks to them, we can see whether our plants need water and how much right away!« However, the two could not resist having a look at the fresh South African grape harvest – that was to be expected! 😉


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