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Grape test in South Africa

Grape test in South Africa

Rooihoogte, 26 January, 2018

Anybody who has visited South Africa automatically falls in love with the country and people. What a commitment for deliciously sweet fruits! Even the boys from Giuliano cannot get enough of this magical land. And because we at SanLucar happen to be testing a few varieties here, which our Master Growers from Bari are also ogling, we have just invited them to the variety evaluation. So, pack your bags quickly, and off to South Africa!

On the left side of the picture you can see a black, seedless variety from the USA and on the right a red, a seedless one from South Africa, too. But these are just two of many: every year we grow 10 to 20 varieties. Altogether, that makes 55 different varieties in our test fields! Now it’s time


to have a close look at their »CVs« and to write down everything. This enables us to always be able to check when the plants were planted, when the shoots came, when the harvest took place and how many fruits they bore. We also take random samples of colour, shape and size. Also included on the checklist are taste, consistency, juice and sugar content! All of this is then taken down two or three times and the values are ​​compared. This makes it easy to find out whether the variety is producing stable results or not. In the field, the grapes definitely tasted excellent to us. Let’s see what our customers say – some of our trading partners are allowed to try, too. The first tastings are already underway. They should be arriving soon at our office in Germany.


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