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The bud is the fruit here

The bud is the fruit here

Orihuela, 9 March 2018
We received a gorgeous post from our quality expert José Saorin today. He sent us pictures of his work on the magnificent artichoke fields near Alicante (southern Spain).
Here, he examines how far the buds are coming along of these powerful thistle plants to determine the ideal harvest time. This is because the buds should never come to bloom. A pity, because the blossoms are very beautiful, with a striking purple-blue colour. But in the case of the

artichoke, one does not consume the fruit, but the bud. It is cooked in salted water for about 30 to 40 minutes.

When it is ready, the petals are peeled off and dipped in a vinaigrette. Only the lower, fleshy part of the leaf is consumed. The slightly nutty taste is absolutely delicious! In addition, the artichoke is considered to be one of the so-called superfoods. It is said to stimulate your appetite and digestion and lower cholesterol and blood lipids. It is still harvested in the fields in Orihuela until May. So you’ll just have to try a super bud soon!

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