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Tunisia in full bloom

Tunisia in full bloom

Tunisia, 8 March 2018
What fruits are blooming here? Today we have a little review of our stone fruit fields in early March for you. »I’m always simply enchanted,« says our quality expert Pepe, »when I’m greeted by a sea of ​​fragrant flowers.« So now is the time: grab the ladder and immerse in it. Because sweet paraguayos – the small flat peaches with the crisp

white juicy flesh – will soon thrive here, and Pepes’s job is to see if they’re also sweet enough for SanLucar. »In order to know this, I have to understand the growing process and the trees, and of course, stop by regularly.«

Because the first paraguayos are already here at the end of April, but not all are ripe at the same time. And then, until late summer, only the most delicious of the most delicious can bear the name SanLucar. We’re curious how things will go with our sweet fruit and quite sure that Pepe has brought at least a few blossoms home to his sweetheart.

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