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Visiting the Gold Peach Fields in Calanda.

Visiting the Gold Peach Fields in Calanda.

Calanda, 25 September, 2017

Today we’re accompanying Nathalie and Zuzana on their visit to our Gold Peach Fields in Calanda. As they explain to us, Calanda Gold Peaches are something very special:

»Normally, the peaches with yellow flesh and yellow peel always get red cheeks when grown outdoors. But our Calanda Gold Peaches do not. As of July, every peach is individually packed in a paper bag.

This protects them from direct sunlight so the skin remains uniformly yellow and also very clean. In addition, they are protected from rain by the bags and less prone to diseases and pests.« Another plus: thanks to the paper bags, the season can be extended from the end of September to the end of October.

This makes it possible for us to snack on our delicious gold peaches for a whole month longer! Fortunately – because of their intense sweetness and their firm, but still juicy pulp, we simply can’t get enough!

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