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We harvest what you savour most

We harvest what you savour most

Extremadura, 5 February 2018

Today we greet you from the Spanish province of Badajoz, near the Portuguese border. It’s a beautiful spot with mountains, forests and lakes from which virgin asparagus springs up. Our growing partner Frugalia started planting here only one year ago and are happy through and through that their savoury delicacies are turning out so magnificently. »They are hardly fibrous and perfect from top to bottom. There is no peeling involved at all. You can eat the whole spear.«


What could be nicer than having more asparagus? »That’s right,« says Frugalia, »more asparagus on the one hand, less asparagus on the other. It’s kind of a limited edition, you might say. Firstly, due to fresh planting and secondly, because of our SanLucar selection process. From the end of January to the middle of April, we harvest only the very best asparagus spears. This means that only those that are nice and straight and even and have a minimum calibre of 16mm make it to market.« So, is there a chance you might not get any of this extraordinarily delicious limited-edition asparagus? »Well, don’t lose hope,« says Frugalia »The early bird gets the worm is our best advice in this case.«


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