Fit and healthy with the food pyramid.

How do I stay fit? How do I keep slim? How do I get all the nutrients I need? There is hardly a topic that is written about as much as about healthy eating.

It’s not rocket science. Actually it’s pretty simple. Provided one adheres to the food pyramid, which is structured quite clearly. And it dictates the following:

The basis is water and sugar-free drinks such as herbal or fruit teas. One should drink these the most. This is followed by fruits, vegetables and legumes. Delicious! It is recommended to eat three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit daily. Next comes the stratum of carbohydrates. This should consist of four servings, preferably in the form of potatoes and whole grains.

Milk and dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt or cream cheese can be enjoyed three times a day.

Illustration of a balanced food pyramid, showing layers of fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, dairy, and healthy fats.
Watermelon loose logo – a branding icon representing fresh, juicy red watermelon

Fish, meat and sausage are almost at the tip of the food pyramid. During the week, fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, herring or tuna are allowed on the menu twice. And no one has to do without low-fat meat and low-fat sausage – three times a week is okay. Red meat, such as beef, pork and lamb should be eaten only rarely – as well as sweets that form the top of the pyramid.

Also, fats and oils are to be used with care: daily 1 to 2 tablespoons of preferably high-quality vegetable oils, such as olive, rape, walnut or sunflower oil are quite enough.

Conclusion: With a lot of fruit and vegetables, you just can’t go wrong. Here are a few tips on how to turn kids into enthusiastic fruit and vegetable eaters.

In the morning, simply give them delicious berries with their cereal. Sweet strawberries, for example, will get them into a good mood quickly in the morning. At school, kids like to snack on bell pepper strips or cucumber pieces.

Lunch is enticing with steamed vegetables, low-fat meat and a few potatoes. The wholesome meal is ready.

And in the afternoon, a portion of fruit, best cut into small pieces. So nibbling is even more fun.

And in the evening perhaps some bread with cream cheese and cucumber slices on top? This could be a healthy day of nutrition that also tastes good to children.

Source: AGES, Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety GmbH

"Bell pepper loose logo – a branding icon representing fresh, high-quality bell peppers
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