Beautifully composed by nature.

Our “Summer Melody” will enchant you with its dark green leaves and intensely orange, oval fruits. Place the evergreen tree in a sunny, warm spot and water it carefully, and it will give you many sweet moments of happiness.

A kumquat tree for Mediterranean flair! Our master gardeners have lovingly nurtured it so that it brings you joy with its bright fruits

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Our kumquat

Summer melody

An ornamental kumquat tree creates a good mood! Surrounded by dark green leaves, bright orange fruits smile at you every day. Isn’t that beautiful?

Good to know

From May to July, the white, decorative flowers of the ornamental kumquat tree exude an intense, very pleasant citrus scent.

More interesting facts
about kumquat

Country of origin

Our team of master gardeners in Europe carefully nurture our beautiful ornamental kumquat trees so that they adorn every home. Come and discover our blooming oasis!

Location and care tips

The ornamental kumquat tree, which can grow between 50 cm and 2 m tall, likes a warm, sunny and sheltered spot. You can place it on your south-facing windowsill, for example, or in the conservatory or greenhouse. It thrives magnificently in sandy, loamy and moderately moist soil and develops many refreshingly fragrant flowers from May to July, which ripen into bright orange fruits.


The original home of the ornamental kumquat tree is southern China. In the middle of the 19th century, the Scottish botanist and explorer Robert Fortune brought the tree to Europe and London. The various kumquat varieties are named after him. For example, there are Fortunella Ophelia, Margarita and Japonica. They are all beautiful and we offer the Fortunella Ophelia.


Taste in harmony with people and nature

We use our modern, digitally controlled water management system to save water, always rely on natural predators first when dealing with pests and protect the bees.

More about our social responsibility
@ 2025 SanLucar Fruit S.L.U.