Full of delicious passion.

And what’s your favourite way to eat your muesli? With fresh apples crunchy berries or banana? Why not try our exotically sweet passion fruit? They add a real burst of freshness to everything you love.

“Their taste is refreshingly exotic, sweet and sour – and very aromatic. All you have to do is cut them open and spoon the juicy flesh straight out of the skin,” says picker Lucia. But passion fruit is not just a delicious snack. The seeds give fruit salads a new twist and turn every dessert into a feast. Thanks to the loving care of our Master Growers in Andalusia, our fruits grow into large and exceptionally sweet delicacies. With our clever water management, we save water and fight pests naturally with predators. And remember, you don’t need to be afraid of wrinkles with our passion fruit. They are only really sweet and juicy when their skin is wrinkly, and when the passion fruit smells deliciously sweet, it is perfectly ripe. Try them out and let yourself be enchanted by the freshness and intense aroma!

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Our passion fruits

Passion fruit loose logo – a branding icon representing fresh, high-quality passion fruits.

Passion fruit

Pleasantly tart, fresh and intensely aromatic – the delicious seeds of the passion fruit are full of flavour.

Good to know

Our sweet and aromatic passion fruit thrives in the warm climate of Spain. The sunny conditions there are ideal for our sweet fruits.

More interesting facts
about passion fruits

Country of origin

Our sweet and aromatic passion fruit thrives in the warm climate of Spain, for example. The sunny conditions there are ideal for our sweet fruits.


The passion fruit originates from the tropical regions of South America. The fruit was brought to Europe by seafarers and cultivated as an ornamental plant in gardens. Since then, it has become increasingly popular.

Tipps und Besonderheiten

Wer Passionsfrüchte länger aufbewahren möchte, kann das Fruchtfleisch herauslöffeln und einfrieren. In Eiswürfelformen oder kleinen Behältern eingefroren, lässt sich das Fruchtfleisch später perfekt für Smoothies, Desserts oder andere Rezepte verwenden. Sonne zum Löffeln.


Passion fruits ripen, so they should be kept at room temperature until they are ready to eat. You can recognise a ripe fruit by its slightly wrinkled skin and it being soft to the touch. They will keep for about a week in the fridge – but be careful! Do not store them too cold. To preserve their aroma and freshness, they should be stored in an airtight container or plastic bag.


Taste in harmony with people and nature

We use our modern, digitally controlled water management system to save water, always rely on natural predators first when dealing with pests and protect the bees.

More about our social responsibility
@ 2025 SanLucar Fruit S.L.U.