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Master Grower Llusar family

Sun to snack on

When Jorge and Javier Llusar wander through their citrus groves, they both know they have the best workplace in the world. »The fragrance during the blooming time alone overwhelms us every time,« they rave. Only fields with the best-quality yields can become SanLucar fields. Harvesting is done only by hand to protect the fruits. And this is done in several harvests to ensure they ripen optimally.

SanLucar founder Stephan Rötzer on the Llusars’ fields

SanLucar founder Stephan Rötzer on the Llusars’ fields


Trained harvesters sort out every fruit that doesn’t meet our high quality requirements. Later in the packing house, more than half is sorted by hand – only the best fruit remains for SanLucar. What is the best part of their job? »The fact that we can do just what we loved doing as kids: walking across the fields and making sure all is well.«
